
Hitachi MGRM Net strongly recommends the use of Hitachi MGRM Net personnel and resources to perform consulting, implementation and training services on MGRM Net products.

Hitachi MGRM Net does not train, certify, authorize or endorse any third party organizations, other than those listed in the Partnership Site, to perform consulting, implementation or training services on MGRM Net products. Use of third parties to perform MGRM Net services may jeopardize the quality of the client's implementation or training and the ultimate effectiveness of the MGRM Net software / services.

Clients that utilize unauthorized third parties to do consulting, implementation and training services for MGRM Net products, do so at their own risk. Any claims by third parties to be certified in the implementation or training on MGRM Net products are fraudulent; as MGRM Net sponsored certification programs for these products do not exist.