Radar System

The Radar serves as an executive dashboard for decision making of all associated ministries & departments highlighting areas that require attention. States, District / County / Parish & smaller geographic areas that require attention are immediately identified. Remedial measures can be taken through pre-designated pathways to ensure best-practices implementation.

Radar System facilitates easy identification of deficits. In case of the Radar system being used in education, when deficit occurs at a cluster or state level, remedial measures can occur at a higher level, leading to rapid development of individual institutions, their stakeholder and the entire educational system.

In case of Healthcare environment, when deficit occurs at a cluster or state level, remedial measures can occur at a higher level, leading to rapid development of the state of personal health, behavioral health, and social & public health, the agricultural system in general. Similarly when remedial measures occur at a higher level, rapid development takes place in varied domains like environment & health, health and pharmaceutical system and Agriculture and pests control in general.

Based on the domain of usage the Radar System can be classified in to

  • Radar System for Institutional Ranking
  • Radar System for Health & Disease Forecasting
  • Radar System for Environmental Health & Risks
  • Radar System for Health & Pharmacovigilance
  • Radar System provides a comprehensive system to the State and National Bodies

Compliance Radar™ & Knowledge Base

Key aspects of this service including creating awareness for compliance requirements, and providing updated and expert knowledge on compliance to your managers, department heads and staff in general. Through this service staff training and professional development are conducted. Additionally, updates are released in a timely fashion to providing changing government & global regulations, and strategies to comply with them. in consultation with your managers, compliance related processes, documentation, and change management systems are developed and put into place. Applications to aid in compliance are implemented to support your organizations compliance needs

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